가장 많이 본 글

2011년 6월 13일 월요일

[영어 문법] - 접속사(Conjunction)


1. 접속사의 종류
① 의미상 종류
* 등위 접속사 : and, but, or, for 등
* 종속 접속사 : if, whether, that, because 등
② 형태상 종류
* 단순 접속사 : and, when, as, for 등
* 상관 접속사 : either ~ or, both ~ and, not only ~ but also
* 접속사구 : as soon as, as well as, as long as 등

2. 등위 접속사 and
* She is pretty and clever.
* Work hard, and you will pass the exam.
= If you work hard, you will pass the exam.
* Bread and butter is good for most sick people.
* The poet and statesman is dead.
The poet and the statesman are dead.
* Slow and steadily wins the race.
◇불가분의 관계에 있거나 단일개념은 단수 취급을 한다.
* go, come, try, send 등의 다음에 오는 and는 부정사 to 대용
◇ Come and see me next week.
= Come to see me next week.
* 형용사 + and + 형용사에서 앞의 형용사가 부사적 구실을 하는 경우.
◇ I am good and tired
= I am very tired.

3. 등위 접속사 But, Or, Nor
① But.
* He works slowly but accurately.
* He did not come on Sunday, but on Monday.
* Not that I don't like the game, but that I have no time.
◇not that A but that B = not because A but because B
=A 때문이 아니라 B 때문이다.
② Or.
* You may dance or sing here.
* Make haste or you will be late for school.
= If you do not make haste, you will be late for school.
= Unless you make haste, you will be late for school.
◇명령문 + or: ~해라, 그렇지 않으면 ~할 것이다.
* The distance is five miles, or about eight kilometers. (= that is; 즉)
③ Nor.
* Not a man, a woman, nor a child is to be seen.
◇nor는 and + not: 그리고 ~도 역시 아니다.
‘nor + 조동사(또는 be 동사) + 주어’의 형태와 같이 nor 다음에는 도치.
* I am nothing rich, and I do not wish to be (rich).
= I am not rich, nor do I wish to be.

4. 접속사 that
* If I complain, it is that I want to get justice. (because)
* He must be mad that he should cry out at this time of night.(판단의 기준)
* That he should betray me! That I were in England again! (놀람,슬픔,희망)
* That he is guilty is certain. (명사절 유도; It is certain that he is guilty)
* He realized the fact that he had made a great mistake.(동격의 명사절 유도)

5. 등위접속사
① Both
* He is both a novelist and a poet.
* He is remarkable both for his intelligence and for his skill.
◇at once (alike, both) A and B: A도 B도 ~이다. (양자긍정)
◇상관접속사는 같은 품사나 상당어구를 상관적으로 연결해야하며, 연결하는 어구가 같은 형태이어야 한다.)
② either A or B: A이거나 B이다. (양자택일)
neither A nor B: A도 B도 ~이 아니다. (양자부정)
* He must either mad or drunk.
* Either of these buses goes to the stadium.
◇either A or B, neither A or B에서 동사는 동사에서 가까운 곳에 있는 주어인 B에 일치 시킨다.
* He neither had money not food. (×)
* He had neither money nor food. (○)
◇either A or B, neither A nor B에 연결되는 부분은 문법상 같은 기능을 가진 상당어구이어야 한다.
③ not only (not merely) A but (also) B
= B as well as A
= A뿐만 아니라 B도 ~이다. (동사는 B에 일치)
* He not only teaches English but also write many novels.
=Besides (In addition to)teaching English, he writes many novels.
* He gave me both food and money.
not only food but also money.
not merely food but also money.
= He gave me money as well as food.
= He gave me food, and money.
* as well = besides = in to the bargain = in addition = additionally.

6. 명사절을 유도하는 접속사
◇that, whether, if, 의문사, 관계대명사.
* That he will succeed is certain.
= It is certain that he will succeed.
* Whether it is a good plan or not is a matter for argument.
◇that~의 문장은 모두 완전한 문장이어야 한다. 즉, 접속사로서 that이 유도하는 문장은 완전해야 한다.

7. 시간부사절을 이끄는 접속사
◇when, while, after, since, before, as soon as, the moment, the instant, instantly...
* I did not realize the value of the documents till yesterday.
= It was not until yesterday that I realized the value of the documents.
= Not until yesterday did I realize the value of the documents.
* I'll have finished the work by the time you get back.
◇조건부사절과 시간부사절에서는 미래시제 대신 현재시제를 사용한다.

8. 이유부사절을 유도하는 접속사
: because, since, as, for, now that, seeing that...
* I did not go, because I was busy.(내가 바빴기 때문에 가지 못했다.)
I did not go because I wanted to.(내가 가고 싶어서 간 것은 아니다)

9. 결과의 부사절을 이끄는 접속사
◇ so ~ that, such ~ that 등...
* As ---------------------- he is poor, he cannot buy the car.
since ㅣ
Because ㅣ
Now that ㅣ
Seeing that ㅣ
On the ground that----- → 이유접속사; ~하기 때문에.
= Because of ------------ his poverty, he cannot buy the car.
Owing to ㅣ
On account of ㅣ
On the ground of------- → 이유를 표시하는 전치사구.
◇이유를 표시하는 전치사구 다음엔 명사 또는 동명사 구문을 사용.
= He is so poor that he cannot buy the car.
= He is so poor as not to buy the car.
= He is too poor to buy the car.
= His poverty is such that he cannot buy the car.
= His poverty prevents him from buying the car.
= His poverty forbids him to buy the car.

10. 양보부사절을 유도하는 접속사
Though -------
Although ㅣhe is poor, he is happy.
If ㅣ
Even if -------- → 양보접속사
= In spite of ----------- his poverty, he is happy.
Despite ㅣ
After all ㅣ
For all ㅣ
With all ㅣ
In the face of ㅣ
Not withstanding----- → 양보전치사구 (비록 ~일지라도)

11. 명령형 양보부사절
①명령문(원형동사) + wh- clause.
* Wherever he may(will) go --------- he will be welcome.
No matter where he may go ㅣ
Let him go where he will ㅣ
Go where he will ------------------
(그가 어디에 가더라도 환영 받을 것이다.)
②명령문 + as clause
* However hard you may try ------------ you can never to it in a weak
No matter how hard you may try ㅣ
Try as you may (will) -----------
(네가 아무리 열심히 해볼지라도, 너는 그것을 1주일 안으로 해낼 수는 없다.)
* Be it ever so humble ----------------- there is no place like home.
However humble it may be ㅣ
No matter how humble it may be-----
(아무리 누추하더라도 내집 같은 곳은 없다.)
* Be a man ever so rich -----------------he should not idle.
However rich a man may be ㅣ
No matter how rich a man may be ----
(사람이 아무리 부자라 할지라도, 게을러서는 안된다.)

12. As 양보 부사절
: 형용사, 부사, 명사, 과거분사 + as(또는 though) + 주어 + 동사의 형태로서 양보의 뜻을 가진 것.
①형 + as (though) + 주어 + 동사
* Rich as he is ----------he cannot afford such extravagance
Rich though he is ㅣforever.
Though he is rich ------
(비록 그는 부자일지라도 영원히 그런 낭비를 감당할 수는 없다.)
②부사 + as + S + V
* Though he studied hard -------he failed in the exam.
Hard as the studied -----------
③명사 + as + S + V
* Though he was a coward ---------he could not bear such an insult.
Coward as he was ㅣ
Coward though he was -----------
◇ a coward가 문두로 도치되면 반드시 부정관사 a를 생략할 것.
④과거분사 (p.p) + as + S + V
* Though he was startled -------- he didn't lose his balance.
Startled as he was ㅣ
Startled though he was --------
(비록 그는 놀랐지만 마음의 안정을 잃지는 않았다.)
◇ keep one's balance = keep steady : 몸의 균형을 유지하다.
≠ lose one's balance : 균형을 잃다. (become unsteady)
마음의 안정을 잃다. (be upset)

13. 조건 부사절을 이끄는 접속사
* If you ask him, he will help you.
* Unless you work harder, you will fail.
= If you do work harder, you will fail.
* Suppose (that) he refuses, what shall we do?
= If he refuses, what shall we do?
* In case you find the man, please let me know at once.
◇ unless: if ~ not, 만일 ~하지 않는다면.
suppose that: 만일 ~한다면.
in case (that): 만일 ~한다면,~하는 경우를 대비하여.
: 접속사이므로 다음에 주어 + 동사의 형태가 와야한다.
* In case of (In the event of) fire, ring the alarm bell.
◇ in case of, in the event of는 조건을 나타내는 전치사구이므로 다음에 명사 또는 동명사 구문이 와야한다.

14. 목적의 부사절을 나타내는 접속사
* He works hard that ----he may pass the examination.
so that ㅣ
in order that ----------- → 목적을 나타내는 부사절
= He works hard to -------pass the examination.
so as to ㅣ
in order to --------------→ 부정사의 부사적 용법
= He works hard for the purpose of passing the exam.
with a view to --------
with the view of ㅣ
with the object of ㅣ
with the intention of -- → 전치사구
* Make a note of it that you may not forget it.
◇that ~ may not: ~하지 않도록, 부정어 not은 반드시 부정사 to 앞에.
* He works hard lest he should fail in the exam.
for fear (that)
◇ lest ~ should나 for fear (that) ~ should는 ~하지 않도록, ~하지 않기 위하여로 그 속에 부정어 not을 포함한다.

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