가장 많이 본 글

2011년 6월 12일 일요일

[영어 문법] - 부사(Adverb)

1. 부사의 형태
①부사: 형용사 + ly.

* 형용사 + ly: slow → slowly. careful → carefully.
* -y + ly = ily - happy → happily.
* le + ly = ly - possible → possibly.
◇예외: sole → solely. whole → wholly.
* -ue + ly = uly , true → truly, due → duly.
* -ll + ly = -lly, full → fully.
* -ic + ly = ically , dramatic → dramatically.
◇예외: public → publicly.
②형용사와 같은 형태의 부사.
early, long, hard, enough, hear, well, ill, far 등...
* I get up early in the morning. (부사)
* The early bird catches the worm. (형용사)
2. 부사의 중복형
* Mr. Everest is very high. (형용사; 높은)
* He held his hand high. (부사; 높이)
* It is a highly a musing film. ( 부사; 매우, 대단히)
◇dear, cheap, hard, hear, late 등이 특히 중복되어 사용됨.
3. 부사의 기능
: 원칙적으로 동사, 형용사, 다른 부사 (구, 절) 등을 수식하며, 명사, 대명사, 문장 전체를 수식한다.
* He speaks English well.
* Evidently he has made a mistake.
= It is evident that he has made a mistake.
4. 부사의 위치
①양태부사 : (방법부사) 어떻게 (how)에 대한 답 ; gladly, well, heartily, carefully
-자동사 + 양태부사
- 타동사 + 목 + 양태부사 (또는 타동사 앞에서도 쓰임)
- 타동사 + 양태부사 + 긴 목적어
* He came immediately (자동사 + 양태부사)
* They speak well of him (능동태)
= He is well spoken of. (수동태)
* I well remember those happy days. (정상어순)
= Well do I remember those happy days. (도치구문)
②빈도부사 : (정도부사) how often에 대한 답으로 always, generally, regularly, often, never, sometimes, seldom. 정도부사에는 nearly, almost, still, barely 등이 있다.
△위치: 일반동사 앞, be동사 다음, 조동사와 본동사 사이에 온다.
△목적어가 명사일 때
put on your coat (O) : 타 + 부 + 목
put your coat on (O) : 타 + 목 + 부
△ 목적어가 대명사일 때
put on it (X)
put it on (O) : 타 + 목 + 부
△ 자동사 + 전치사는 하나의 타동사구로 쓰이므로 분리시킬 수 없음.
Look at the boy.
Look at him. (○)
Look him at. (×)
5. 부사어구의 배열 순서
① 시간 부사어구 : 작은 단위 + 큰 단위
장소 부사어구 : 작은 단위 + 큰 단위
* I'll call on you at seven o'clock next Sunday.
* We spent the holidays in a cottage is the morning.
② 장소 + 방법 + 시간부사
방법 + 장소 + 시간부사
짧은 부사구 + 긴 부사구
* He came to Korea by ship last year.
* She played beautiful at the concert last night.
* We arrived safely at the station.
6. 중요한 부사 용법
- still + 본동사- 명사 + enough (O)
- be동사 + still- enough + 명 (O)
- 조동사 + still + 본동사- 형.부 + enough (O)
- still + 부정조동사- enough + 형.부 (X)
* He is still standing. : 그는 아직도 서 있다.
He is standing still. : 그는 가만히 서 있다. (형)
* She still dislikes him.
He still doesn't like her.
* I need enough eggs. = I need eggs enough.
* Only I can see him in the room.
I can only see him in the room.
I can see only him in the room.
I can see him only in the room.
◇ ago는 현재를 기준으로 지금부터 ~전의 뜻이고 과거시제와 함께 쓰인다.
before는 과거기준으로 그 때보다 그 이전. 과거완료와 함께 쓰임.
before는 막연한 과거를 나타내어 현재완료와 쓸 수 있으나 ago는 현재완료와 쓸 수 없음.
* He passed away three ago.
* He said that she had died three years before.
* I have seen this picture before.
* I have seen her a few days ago. (X)
7. very, much의 용법
- very : 형용사, 부사 / 원급 / 현재분사
- much : 동사 / 비교급, 최상급/ 과거분사
* He breaks his words very often.
* I don't like beef much.
◇ 과거분사가 명사를 직접 수식하는 한정용법으로 쓰일 때와 동사로서의 성격을 잃고 형용사적인 용법으로 쓰이고 있는 tired, pleased, delighted,
surprised, satisfied등인 경우에는 much대신 very를 사용.
* A very celebrated scholar presided at the meeting.
* She had a very annoyed look on her face.
* He was very tired with a long walk.
◇ 서술형용사인 afraid, alike, fond 등은 much로 수식.
the + very + 최상급
much + the + 최상급
* He is much ashamed of his behaviour.
* He is the very best runner in our class.
* He is much the best runner in our class.
8. 의문부사
* 직접의문문: 의문부사 + 동사 + 주어?
* 간접의문문: 의문부사 + 주어 + 동사? (부사절)
* Where does he live?
* I don't know + When should I do it?
→ I don't know when I should do it. (간접의문; know의 목적어)
→ I don't know when to do it. (부정사구; 명사적용법)
◇ think, believe, imagine, suppose 등의 동사 다음에 직접의문문을 연결할 때에는 의문부사를 문두로 도치.
* Do you think + Where does he lives?
→ Do you think where he lives? (×)
→ Where do you think he lives? (○)
9. 관계부사
* where, when, how, why 등은 ‘부사 + 접속사’의 역할을 하며 ‘전치사 + which’로 바꿀 수가 있다.
* This is the place + He was born in it.
→ This is the place which he was born in. (형용사절)
→ This is the place in which he was born.
→ This is the place where he was born.
→ This is the place that he was born. (where의 대용)
→ This is where he was born.(주격보어; where의 명사절,선행사 the place 생략)
* 관계부사의 계속적 용법.
~, where ⇒ ~, and there .. (그리고 거기에서...)
~, when ⇒ ~, and then ... (그리고 그때...)
◇We went to Rome, where we stayed for a week.
Wait till seven, when he will be back.
You may go wherever you like. (wherever = to any place that)
Wherever you may go, I will follow you. (wherever = no matter where)

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